Hear It From Me
For believers in todays world it is critical that we test ourselves constantly against scripture to find out if what we believe lines up with the word. Have you ever heard the saying "Just because everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right"? This should be important to all believers of God's word. Because we can quickly find ourselves getting caught up in the traditions and doctrines of men. That was what Yeshua's ministry was all about.
"And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’
Having left behind the commandment of God, you hold on to the tradition of men.”
Mark 7:7-8
I believe that in order to understand the Scriptures you need to have a foundation that is built from the bottom up. If you are new to the faith understanding that Yeshua died to set you free from sin and death is an important starting point. However after that initial transformation you are probably thinking what next? All of these things are what inspired me to found YeshuaInTorah.com. I invite you to browse my site, learn about our messiah , and explore different topics that excite and interest you as well. I always encourage input on topics that you would like to explore and would love to hear some feedback on the articles that I write. Please show some grace as I am not much of a writer or teacher. That being said I hope that this ministry will be a blessing to you and that it will help you grow closer to our Messiah!